Dr. Micah David Naziri amflagmask-master TRUMP'S FAKE NEWS DEBUNKED! The Dayton Shooter WAS NOT ANTIFA Counter-KKK Protester External Articles

Three mass shootings in one week. The first two were clearly white supremacist terrorist attacks – in California at the garlic festival and Texas at an El Paso Walmart, respectively. But the third, at a Dayton, white hipster bar scene area known as the Oregon District, was immediately denounced by the mayor and police chief as not related to race in anyway.

How did they know?

That I can’t say for sure. But they seemed very sure of themselves and that it could not have been race-related.

Days later the Dayton community discovered that this shooter was in a misogynistic “rape-grindcore” band that featured songs about child molestation, rape and murder.

Still, the city not only doubled down that he wasn’t the right wing sort of guy that we were seeing in other parts of the country, and that – again – it wasn’t race related.

Some background: Dayton, Ohio had just seen a provocative Ku Klux Klan rally that resulted in the community turning out en masse – united – to let the KKK know we would not be intimidated. Dayton area Bloods showed up armed to the teeth, along with Black Panthers, armed socialists and anarchists and many others – all making a militant statement of self-defense against the Klan’s legacy of terrorism and violence. Black and white and all other backgrounds were united by the hundreds if not thousands.

That scared the mayor and police.

The police spent nearly a million dollars bringing in other cops, creating barriers and road blocks for a riot they were just certain was going to happen. It never did. The people came out in peace, but with arms to defend – not offend – if necessary. This made the police irrelevant to community defense and they hated it.

It didn’t take long before the local Dayton media chimed in to back the police – now with the remarkable claim that the Dayton shooter was himself a part of the KKK counter-protest, that he wore a bandana around his face, and that he was armed with the same or a similar assault rifle, to intimidate the poor Ku Klux Klan, months ago.

The only problem? No one who was part of any armed group of leftists had heard of nor seen this guy…

Dr. Micah David Naziri socialist-dayton-shooter-never-heard-of TRUMP'S FAKE NEWS DEBUNKED! The Dayton Shooter WAS NOT ANTIFA Counter-KKK Protester External Articles

The Dayton Daily News and WHIO TV claimed to have an interview of the shooter at the KKK counter protest, to this effect. The problem is they didn’t link to it, cite it, cite who conducted it, provide a single photograph from it, nor quote and when I talked to the author of the article stating this, he got very nervous, hustled off the phone, but confirmed he did not conduct such an interview, nor could or would he name who did. Instead, I was directed to his editor. Here is my letter to him below:

Dr. Micah David Naziri whio-email TRUMP'S FAKE NEWS DEBUNKED! The Dayton Shooter WAS NOT ANTIFA Counter-KKK Protester External Articles

After getting off the phone with him, and heading home from downtown Dayton, I recorded the following Facebook Live video addressing these inconsistencies:

Listen to the lengthy video of me tracking down the author of the Dayton Daily News article, and his response:

The problem with fake news like this is not only that it is false and not news, but that it is used to push political agendas. It didn’t take long for Trump to fail to have his people do the work that it took me 20 minutes to do, and confirm that there was nothing to back up these claims about the Dayton Shooter.

UPDATE: Dayton Daily News and WHIO editor Jim Bebbington has replied to this article and updated their original text to include the following “explanation,” which actually confirms that this hearsay was complete guesswork at best, and fabrication to promote a new career of a month-old reporter at worst.

“Hasan Karim, who knew Betts and grew up in Bellbrook in the same high school class, was in the crowd accompanying freelance journalists and was taking pictures of the event. Karim bumped into someone in the crowd and the man told him ‘You don’t know me.’ The two said hello to each other and Karim recognized Betts by his voice, body and mannerisms in their brief interaction. Betts wore a bandanna covering part of his face and sunglasses. He carried a gun which appeared to be similar in style to the one used in Sunday’s shooting. He did not appear to be part of any group that was in the protest crowd.”

Brand new reporter makes bold claims that cannot be backed up. When pressed admits the guy at protest denied being guy he thought he was. Seems pretty text book fake news if there were such a thing.

Dr. Micah David Naziri hearsay TRUMP'S FAKE NEWS DEBUNKED! The Dayton Shooter WAS NOT ANTIFA Counter-KKK Protester External Articles

Help SPREAD THE WORD, because right now Trump is pushing this fake news narrative to back his agenda and take the attention and heat off of the fact that the first two shooters were “Yuge” fans of his.