Dr. Micah David Naziri Untitled-3 Chanukah... The War Still Rages Academic Judaism Politics Religion and Spirituality

Chanukah… The War Still Rages

The occurrence of Chanukah – coming on the 24th day of the month of Kislev – corresponds with approach of the winter solstice. The holiday brings a reminder that no matter how immersed in darkness we are, light will always return. As such, we need 

Pre-Zionist pogroms and persecution of Jews in the “Islamicate” world

Pre-Zionist pogroms and persecution of Jews in the “Islamicate” world

The entire history of the development of Anti-Jewish propaganda in Ithnā’ `Ashariyyah Shī`īsm is too long a history to recount here. It will suffice, however, to jump forward a few centuries to the Allāhdad massacre of 1839 in Iran. The dismal picture of the severe 

The New, New Historiography: Responses to Benny Morris and the Charge of Orientalism

The New, New Historiography: Responses to Benny Morris and the Charge of Orientalism

In Jonathan Isacoff’s “Writing the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Historical Bias and the Use of History in Political Science,” we read that the job of the political scientist is not firstly to look for “facts,” but to identify the competing schools of thought. The aim is not 

Dr. Micah David Naziri Benny-Morris-580x395-1 The New Historians and the Defection of Benny Morris Academic Politics Racism

The New Historians and the Defection of Benny Morris

For over two decades the name Benny Morris has been synonymous with the New Historiography in Israeli Academia. Having not shied away from this designation or many of the positions associated with it, this New Historian has in recent years magnetized towards the pole (and 

The Implausibility of the So-Called “Ticking Bomb” Scenario

The Implausibility of the So-Called “Ticking Bomb” Scenario

Indicated by the title of William Schulz’s article “Is the ‘Ticking Bomb’ Case Plausible?” the author is presenting a compelling counter-thesis to the hypothetical “ticking bomb” scenario, so often posited by proponents of “necessary” instances of torture. Specifically, Schulz is arguing against Alan Dershowitz’s thesis, 

Reflections on Revolutionary Leadership

Reflections on Revolutionary Leadership

Since my early teenage years, I have been involved in various activist and social justice movements, from Food Not Bombs, to the Occupy Movement, and various anti-fascist organizations and action committees. In what follows, I will explain how my path in activist circles, and self-described 

Dr. Micah David Naziri pizzagate-fake-news The FIRST-EVER INVESTIGATION of COMET PING PONG and #PIZZAGATE! Conspiracy Politics


EXCLUSIVE! BREAKING NEWS! So while our family was in town to protest the Inauguration of Satan, Friday and Saturday, we went to the infamous and lovely Comet Ping Pong. You know, it’s the place that all the Alt-Right folks say is an underground child sex