Month: August 2023

Dr. Micah David Naziri smashing-the-crosses-naziri Jews For Jesus Messy-Antics DEBUNKED With Torah and Historical Criticism External Articles

Jews For Jesus Messy-Antics DEBUNKED With Torah and Historical Criticism

I am often asked by Christian evangelists, two primary questions related to the deified figure at the center of their cult[ure]. The first is “why does Judaism hate Jesus?” The answer is simply that Judaism doesn’t teach anything about the Jesus figure. Why? For the simple 

Dr. Micah David Naziri mashiach-2 There is NO MESSIAH… and YOU are IT! External Articles

There is NO MESSIAH… and YOU are IT!

If you have read the Bible – I mean really read it – then there are many things which will have stood out to you as surprising, even shocking. Many of these things run contrary to prevailing opinions, customs and minhagim. One of the most